Girl Scout Gold Award

Girl Scout Gold Award

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More stuff to do!!!!

Ok so it has been awhile since I put up my last post, but here is what has been happening....

1.  Camp was officially cancelled, but a new date has been set up for Labor Day weekend (lets just hope we can get everything done in time!)
2. We got to go to Sunspot in order to plan the new weekend. (OMG! EVERYTHING IS SO COOL!)
3. I have gotten so many new offers for new material and other telescopes!
4. I am so stoked to try and get my project done so I can try it out at Camp Oro Quay!!!
5. Here is the list of other things I have done that haven't been exactly quite glamourous....

  • wrote thank you notes to Tracy McFadden and Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope
  • Made copies of all the returned letters back and forth to contacts.
  • contacted Girl Scouts about some questions that came up at the meeting at Sunspot
  • Working on the curriculum for the Astronomy Unit
  • Picked out some cool things to put on the poster board that will intrigue the kids to get interested in Astronomy
  • Slowly starting to freak out!!!!
So I guess that should be it............. hopefully that helped clear up some of the mystery as to my sudden disappearance from the blogging scene!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


So on July 2nd, I received a phone call from our house sitter saying that a strange package had arrived.  He told me that when he opened it, he saw that there was a very nice telescope inside.  It was the donated item from Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope!  I am quite excited about this donation and I cannot wait to get home to see the beautiful telescope!  In the mean time, I have been collecting quite a bit of data about different constellations and what times of the year that they can be seen.  On the same day that I received the phone call, I planned out my entire program and made a rough draft of how I want the poster board to look.  In short, everything is slowly coming together.  =)  Now if we can only get to camp!!!